Node 39

Welcome to Node39 Website - A professional POS provider. We have experience in Testnet and Mainnet projects. Entering this niche market from 2023. We always emphasize stability and always monitor the status. We look forward to further cooperation with all projects.

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Homeserver and Hetzner server

Servers are located in Vietnam, Finland, Germany and the US.

Server 1

Dual Xeon E5-2680v4 Ram 128GB DDR4 ECC Disk 2Tb NVMe Gen 3 Bandwidth 1Gb/s

Server 2

AMD Ryzen™ 5 3600 ZEN2 Ram 64GB DDR4 ECC Disk 2x2Tb NVMe Gen 3 Bandwidth 1Gbit/s

Server 3

AMD Ryzen™ 7 7700 ZEN4 Ram 64GB DDR5 ECC Disk 2x1Tb NVMe Gen 4 Bandwidth 1Gbit/s

Server 4

AMD Ryzen™ 9 7950X3D Ram 128GB DDR5 ECC Disk 2x1Tb NVMe Gen 4 Bandwidth 1Gbit/s

Total stake: >$100.000



Testnet completed